29 October 2014

My Fondness In Writing

I cannot replace the great feeling of scribing a pen on a paper.
I had kept up a journal from the day that I began to appreciate the fabric of my existence. Sometimes, there was a little to record, but other days, there was quite a lot to remember. And I still love doing it until now. I have my private journal and a public journal where some good close friends can read and share. It is not so much a diary as a notebook where I can write the date myself and the day's doing underneath. I got a lot of satisfaction writing, with my best pen in the thick, creamy paper and now being a creative blogger. I had a passion for notebooks, paper, pens, the smell of ink, all the tools of writing. It is nice, we reached the age of high-tech writing such as blogging. Keeping a journal is better than having nobody to confide in, but a person would be better. If it was impossible to speak of, I write them in my journal. More comfort than disturb, and I grew to love this kind of my release and relief.


  1. I know what you mean, Maggy. I used to do the same thing when I was younger. Now with modern technology, got a little lazy LOL. But yes, it allows you to find comfort and release...it's as if for a brief moment you are literally lost in your thoughts, your own little island of thoughts. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Hello, Kay! Thank you for commenting again. Writing for me, is really a form of release and relief. Writing, for me is a very comforting friend. Have a nice day ❤️


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