24 February 2017

My Preschooler's Costume Party

It was a fun-filled day at school. The preschoolers had their costume party this morning. Yesterday, I went out to look for a nice costume for my son. The cowboy costume that my sister in law sent for my son is too big for him. And the teachers told me to prepare something that looks good too for Burt. I am happy because I found a good costume for him. I thought it is an astronaut costume but, it was actually a knight costume. At 11:15 this morning, the school was opened for the mothers of the preschooler. It was fun, the preschooler were so cute with their costume, but when my son entered the room for their like a ramp-modeling session, he was not wearing the costume that I bought. The teachers told me that my son do not like to wear it, he don't like them to change his clothes and he was crying! So they let him to just wear his school clothes. He looks different from the other children who are wearing their costume. I am still happy because he was full of joy when he saw me sitting next with other mothers with my big camera. When his teachers asked him if he likes to sit with other children or with me, he answered: with mama. Motherhood is hard but has joys and challenges. Everyday, my son brings to me a happiness without measure with a riot of colors.


  1. Yes Maggy you are a young mother. And I am a father from great children's.
    Bur enjoy every minute from your child it is so fantastic.
    Greetings from peter.k :) Your friend.

    1. Thank you so much for your time to read my blog, Peter. There is nothing comparable to the joys of parenthood. I wish you and your family a nice weekend.


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