07 January 2015

I Want To Talk About Friends and Friendship

a friend vs just being friendly
Quotes, sayings, and tales about friendship seems endless. And around the world, many people are desperately searching for a warm friendship and when their expectation failed, it leads to their disappointment, loneliness, and they withdraw completely from the world. 
In order for us to become a friend, we also must know how to tell the difference between being a friend and acting friendly. Not all acting friendly can be a friend. And I can be a real friend too without acting too friendly.
One of the questions that I want to consider is, how do your friends make you feel when you are with them? True friendship requires time, getting involved without being clingy. 
Another one is, do you look forward to seeing your friends? Even we are married now, I still feel the excitement in seeing my husband again after he has been away even only for a couple of days.
Likewise, in friendship. If we are comfortable in the presence of our friends, to see them again is something we intently look forward to.
Friendship starts in the family
One of the best things about having a friend is we can share our joy to them. Can you share your joy freely to your friends? Or do you feel you need to be quiet about your good news when you are around with them? You can measure true friendship on how far they can accept you for who you are. True friends rejoice in your success, true friends push you to hit your dream. And only true friends feel it what does your silence imply.
my best friends, my priorities
True friend asks how are you and they know when you are lying when you replied you are okay. They are rare, but be thankful if one of them get crossed in your life.
While I am writing this, faces flooding in my mind. I think of the friends I have in the Philippines and the friends I am having here. I am not expecting anyone to stand on my side as my bff. I have new priorities now. Only to have someone that I can turn to and someone who can turn to me as well. Because friendship is a two way street. In order for a friend to truly consider a friend, they have to believe that we are their friend also.
Only true friends can surface when you are in the lowest part of your life 
I was away for quite a long time from my friends when I met my husband and when I choose to share my life with him. Thanks to Facebook, I was able to catch up with some lost friends. Honest, I can tell it that only true friends can surface when you are in the lowest part of your life.
I am thankful I have true friends.
Measure the friendship by telling them how dark is  your past. Only true friends can stick with you now matter what.
A true friend is appreciative, has told you that you are a friend or has introduced you as their friend. 
A true friend like you get involved and do not like you to feel you were left out. 
A true friend has a sincere ear when you spill the beans about your life.
A true friend is consistent, but respect space.
Before I end up, I want to cite one of Leo Buscaglia's quotes: a single rose can be my garden, a single friend my world. And one of my favorite songs is Dan Hill's One Friend. The lyrics say: sometimes the world was on our side, sometimes it wasn't fair. Sometimes it gave a helping hand, sometimes we didn't care... Whatever, I am grateful to all my true friends! They know who they are.

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