30 June 2016

Five Things How Motherhood Changed My Life

my 30 minutes old son

I remember that moment when me and my husband will tell a good news to my parents that I am pregnant. I was holding my phone and talking to my mother. My tears began to roll down in my cheeks and I lost for words. I gave the phone to my husband and it was him who told my parents that we are going to have a new family member soon.

learning to breastfeed
Time flies. From that day, that baby is now a toddler and a preschooler. My life has changed tremendously. There were times that I am asking myself, am I still the same person? Or motherhood made me a better person?
The day that I delivered my son, most mothers knows it that it is the day filled with pain and emotion, but also a time for a resolution. I promise to myself and to my child that I will do my best to become a good mother.
my son's first holiday in the Philippines

and his second holiday in my country Philippines
Now, I tried to list how motherhood changes my life. I have five and it is compact. If you have any additional, please feel free to write in the comment box. I and other mothers will appreciate that.

1. Myself. My Identity. Now that I am a mother, my life is not for myself alone. Almost round the clock, there is a little creation who depends on me. My identity is instantly integrated with my son. He became my extension. When I am going out without him, people who know us, ask me right away: where is Burt? They don't mind where is my husband, but they mind it that my child is not with me.
his firs month as preschooler
2. My time. When I became a mother, I have learned the shortcuts. I can shower, eat a meal, in five minutes. For the time being, I set aside the leisure. Time to be with my son for me is the most important and something precious. I like him to feel that he can turn to me when he needs me without teaching him to become dependent and needy.

always ready to lend his helping hand :)
3. My social life. One thing that I am thankful for is that even I have my family now, I still have freedom, and enjoying that freedom. But for me, my freedom is relative, has boundaries. There are times that I like to go out with some friends and my husband takes charge to our son. I don't have a curfew, but it is that feeling that I already miss my son so much and being without him for a long period scares me. I love and I enjoy being with my friends, but because of motherhood, I feel that there is more enjoyment to be with my family. Family time for me, is priceless.

my most favorite subject

my buddy even in my meetings
4. My outlook in life. Motherhood has taught me to be more respectful to mothers. We have been through to the same shoes, riding on the same boat, and I feel now how it takes to become a mother. Motherhood also taught me to look at every step I take, how it can affect my family especially my son. Almost on every decision and plan is for the long term, for the benefit of my family, of my son.
a funny boy

my bestfriends, my boyfriends
5. Bringing back more the childlike heart in me. When I first took my son in my arms, I felt like I was floating in sensation, I feel how much I love him. At the same time, I am a bit scared what the future brings to me as a first time mother. It says that if you want to win your child's heart, don't go by the rules. And I take this by heart. Child discipline and training are such a big issue. My childlike heart helps me to reach hearts, now I want to use it to reach the heart of my son. It is important that a child feels a family bond as well as the friendship within the family. We are playmates, we are a team, we are friends, and most all we are family.

I just hope that until to his adult life, my son would be also be proud that I am his mother.

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